Ignite NW
Enkindling the Fire of Faith

Our Mission
Ignite NW invites young people into a deeper relationship with God and neighbor through sacred liturgy, authentic community, and faithful intellectual formation at an annual Catholic youth conference.
Grounded in the truths about God, self, and nature, participants encounter the treasures of the Catholic Faith so that they are capable of confidently living the Gospel and critically engaging the world.
We accomplish this through:
- The Celebration of Sacred Liturgy and Prayer
- The Witness of Religious and Priests
- Spiritual & Intellectual Formation
- Promoting a Culture of Life and Family
- Fostering a Joyful Community
2024 Participant Testimonies:
- Each workshop I chose was so memorable, and it seemed as if they were personalized for me. They were awesome!!!- Teen
- My kids were in awe over the live ultrasound. It was extremely impactful. Men especially have zero exposure to this until they become fathers. This was the first thing my son HAD to tell me about his weekend.- Parent
- It did my heart good to see the future of our church represented with such fervor.- Religious
- Ignite 100% changed my life. During Adoration I felt Jesus' love for me personally in a way you can't explain. I've had a lot of doubts but Ignite has demolished those completely. Specifically the talks about faith and science. - Young Adult Volunteer
Who You Reach and What You Provide:
In 2024, you helped us reach 224 students, involve 24 Religious and Priests, provide 3,938 meals over 5 days, 1,500+ Holy Communions, 300+ Confessions, 26 Different Workshops, and 21 Religious-led Small Groups. Thank you for all of your support!
Other Ways to Donate:
Mail checks payable to:
Ignite NW
PO Box 971
Camas, WA 98607
Give us a call: 360-535-3999
Questions about giving?
Reach out to us by phone or email: (360) 535-3999 or benefactors.ignitenw@gmail.com
Ignite NW is a nonprofit 501(c)3. All donations are tax deductible. Federal Tax ID # 92-3927537